CREATE! — “Songs” from Scratch
•• In 8 hours or less ••
• Photos by Leo V. Louis — mahalo nui loa!
It’s All About Creativity
“You can't use up creativity.
The more you use, the more you have.”
― Maya Angelou
Trying to get “everything EXCACTLY right” with Getting Close to the Edge brought out my OCD side — not healthy over long stretches of time.
As an antidote to my obsessive tendencies — and as a means to discover more of what I musically had at hand in the studio — I thought it might be fun to take break from GC2TE and create pieces of music from scratch, ideally in 8 hours or less.
(At first, I thought 5 hours would be possible, but 8 hours is more realistic. After all, pieces must start from nada!)
If you enjoy experimentation without perfection — enjoy these “ultra-quick sketches from scratch,” links below.
T = 0 hours — nothing, no musical ideas, a blank slate
T = 8 hours (or less) — an mp3 file to share
“Soundtracks” (2021)
East West Opus — This “soundtrack’s” foundation: East West’s new Opus player and a few ComposerCloud instruments I’ve never used.
Signal #3 — Three “soundtrack” experiments in one day! This one is based around the SIGNAL & All Saints Choir VSTs.
Organi City — Yet another Fall Break “soundtrack” experiment, this time using a Spitfire Labs VST, some incorporating “organic textures”!
Breathe Out — Another Fall Break “soundtrack” experiment, using mainly the EXHALE VST. Hence the title, “Breathe Out”!
Don’t Be Scared — Fall Break “soundtrack” experiment, getting to know never-used, rarely-used VSTs.
Winter Solstice Presents (2020)
City of Angels — Present for Jaycee in LA who said she liked “rock.” Hope she likes Joe Satriani and John Petrucci. (I do!)
Hissy Snake in Colorado * — Present for Julia who said she liked “country” music. Recording/mixing vocals is a bear! Lyrics
Gregory’s Gryphons * — Winter Solstice present for the very best of friends. May your gryphons fly soon—and far!
It’s Not Mozart, But It Is 4U * — Present for Aimee who said she liked Mozart. Variations on themes by Jon Anderson & Steve Howe.
Calm — Present for Anna who said she liked “calm” music. Enjoy a Stradivarius violin, French horn, bassoon and Chinese Dizi (chorus).
Beginning to Play (2020)
Dance With Me — Learning to work East West’s Hollywood Backup Singers and (remarkable) WordBuilder turned into “Dance With Me.”
Souls ‘Tis — 1/2 day at work. Came home, 2 hours working on a hi-hat sound for GC2TE. Needed to dive into something… more soulful!
Nu Ayhj — I don’t “do” New Age music, but took inspiration from a new-age chord progression and… had fun with the lead guitar.
Five Hours (or Less) — #1 — Crazy idea: create something from nothing in a few hours — no OCD! — move fast, make quick decisions, commit!
* OOPS! — Exceeded 8 hours
• (1) Got carried away, and/or • (2) Had a lot to learn, and/or • (3) Vocals!
• Photos by Leo V. Louis — mahalo nui loa!
A Circle of 5ths 4 Renee — Baritone guitar washes, Alicia’s keys, ocean waves… relax… dream…
4 Renee A Motif in the Key of A — To sleep, perchance to dream…