Nelson Mandela's Free (Oh Steve, If You Could Only See)
Music & lyrics, 1992
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela's free!
Roban Island a memory
Nelson Mandela's free!
Soweto greets a king
Nelson Mandela's free!
Oh Steve, if you could see this day!
Nelson Mandela's free!
Oh Steve, if you could only see!
Your dream
Comes to life!
The dream
Never sacrificed!
Twenty-eight years inside
Six days and a good man dies
For twenty-eight we cried
Amandla! Ngwetu!
For twenty-eight years they lied
In Kingwilliam's Town we said good-bye
Twenty-eight years, for what crime?
At Sharpesville who gave the order to shoot?
The earth is red!
Graves filled with broken bones
Biko is dead!
Kruger saw that he died alone
Nkosi sikelel'i Africa
Lord bless this land
Nkosi sikelel'i Africa
Our Mother and
Our home
Nelson Mandela's out!
A raised fist and the people shout
Nelson Mandela's out!
The crowd sings of liberation!
Umfanekiso kaStephen Bantu Biko
Biko's word is out!
Can't keep a good man down
Biko's message loud!
A nation free, the celebration!
The rising sun
Illuminates a land of gold
The way of the gun
Gives way to another road
Overcome your fear of death
And your death may pave the road to life
Fight on to the bitter end
And from the jaws of defeat a victory!
Remember what Biko said
Remember Mandela's inner light
Honor those who bled
And may we be forever free!
We have drunk of your waters may we drink again
We are your sons and daughters, your children
We have drunk of your waters my we drink again
We are your sons and daughter, your children
Nkosi sikelel'i Africa
Lord bless this land
Nkosi sikelel'i Africa
Our Mother and
Our home
© Kirtland C. Peterson, 1992